Create Receptor API appears not to work (or is unrecognized with current spelling)
The following shows the request sent and the response received:
Calling BGNES_BS_receptor_create... Request is: /NES/Connection/Receptor/Create?AuthKey=MyVerySecureToken&SimulationID=35&SourceCompartmentID=0&DestinationCompartmentID=1&Conductance_nS=50.0&TimeConstant_ms=30.0&ReceptorLocation_nm=[5, 5, 5] {'StatusCode': 2}
It's too bad that the status code does not clarify if: a) a specific parameter was wrong (which one?), or, b) the request made is unknown (e.g. the spelling of the API request is unrecognized).
These would be great ways to speed up bug hunting.
Even if it could just return which parameter (e.g. enumerated) was the problem, that would be a massive improvement, thanks!